Hooks in React

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. With the release of React 16.8 React Hooks were introduced, revolutionizing the way developers write React components by allowing them to use state and other React features in functional components.

What Are React Hooks?

React Hooks are functions that let you “hook into” React’s state and lifecycle features from function components. Before hooks, developers relied heavily on class components to manage state or access lifecycle methods. Hooks eliminate the need for classes while providing powerful, reusable, and simpler ways to handle component logic.

Why Use React Hooks?

Hooks address several limitations of class components:

  1. Simpler Code: Hooks make code easier to read and maintain by avoiding the complexities of this in class components.
  2. Reusable Logic: Hooks allow you to reuse stateful logic without wrapping components in higher-order components (HOCs).
  3. Enhanced Performance: React Hooks optimize rendering performance by allowing fine-grained control over updates.

Rules of React Hooks

To use hooks effectively, follow these fundamental rules:

  1. Only Call Hooks at the Top Level: Hooks should not be called inside loops, conditions, or nested functions. Always call them at the top level of your component.
  2. Only Call Hooks from React Functions: Hooks should only be called from functional components or custom hooks.

Core React Hooks

1 useState

The useState hook is used to add state to functional components. It returns an array with two elements:

  1. The current state value.
  2. A function to update the state.

2 useEffect

The useEffect hook allows you to perform side effects in function components, such as fetching data, setting up subscriptions, or manually changing the DOM.

It combines the functionality of componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount from class components.

3 useContext

The useContext hook provides access to the nearest context value for a given Context object. It simplifies consuming context without the need for a Consumer component.

Additional React Hooks

1 useReducer

The useReducer hook is an alternative to useState for managing more complex state logic. It is especially useful when the next state depends on the previous state.

2 useMemo

The useMemo hook memoizes the result of an expensive computation, preventing unnecessary recalculations.

Scenarios where useMemo is useful:

  1. Expensive computations, such as filtering, sorting, or complex mathematical calculations.
  2. Derived state calculations that depend on props or state.
  3. Avoiding unnecessary re-renders in deeply nested components.

Why use UseMemo?

  1. Optimize Expensive Computations: If your component performs heavy calculations, useMemo ensures that these computations are only re-run when necessary.
  2. Improve Performance: By avoiding unnecessary recalculations, useMemo can reduce the rendering time of your components.
  3. Prevent Re-Renders: It works hand-in-hand with React.memo to prevent child components from re-rendering unnecessarily.

3 useCallback

The useCallback hook memoizes callback functions, preventing unnecessary re-creations during re-renders.

Scenarios where useCallback is useful:

Passing Functions as Props: Prevents child components wrapped in React.memo from re-rendering unnecessarily.

Event Handlers: Memoizing handlers like onClick, onChange, etc., when they are passed down as props.

Stable References in Hooks: Avoid re-creating callback functions used in hooks like useEffect, useMemo, or useReducer

Benefits of useCallback

  1. Prevent Unnecessary Re-Renders: When a child component is wrapped in React.memo, passing a stable function reference prevents it from re-rendering unnecessarily.
  2. Avoid Infinite Loops: Helps maintain stable function references in hooks like useEffect or useMemo that depend on callback functions.
  3. Optimize Performance: Reduces unnecessary computational overhead by ensuring functions are not re-created needlessly.

4 useRef

The useRef hook is used to persist values across renders without causing re-renders.

5 useImperativeHandle

The useImperativeHandle hook customizes the instance value exposed to parent components.

Custom Hooks

Custom hooks allow you to encapsulate reusable logic into functions that can be shared across components.

Best Practices with Hooks

  1. Keep Dependencies Accurate: Always include all external variables used in effects or memoized values/functions in the dependency array.
  2. Use Custom Hooks for Reusability: Encapsulate repetitive logic in custom hooks.
  3. Avoid Overusing State: Use useReducer or context for complex state management instead of many useState calls.
  4. Optimize Performance: Use useMemo and useCallback judiciously to prevent unnecessary computations or re-renders.
  5. Clean Up Side Effects: Always return cleanup functions in useEffect to prevent memory leaks.


React Hooks simplify component logic, enable the reuse of stateful logic, and make React applications more modular and maintainable.

By understanding and effectively using core and advanced hooks, you can build powerful, efficient, and reusable components for your applications. Experiment with custom hooks to further enhance your development workflow, and embrace the power of functional components in React!.

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