Tailwind Animation CSS

Tailwind animation is an essential aspect of modern web design, as it adds interactivity and enhances the user experience.

Animation is an essential aspect of modern web design, as it adds interactivity and enhances the user experience.

Tailwind CSS, a popular utility-first framework, offers a powerful set of classes to implement animations efficiently. With Tailwind CSS, you can create complex animations without writing custom CSS, streamlining your development process.

Scroll Down to see Stunning Tailwind Animation Example 🙂

Overview of Tailwind CSS Animation

Tailwind CSS provides two primary ways to handle animations:

  1. Built-in Animation Utilities: Predefined classes for common animation effects.
  2. Custom Animations: Tailored animations defined in the Tailwind configuration file.

Animations in Tailwind rely heavily on the @keyframes rule and can be customized to suit specific needs. The animation system includes several utilities:

  • animate- Classes: Control animation behavior.
  • Duration Utilities: Set the animation’s duration.
  • Timing Utilities: Define easing functions.
  • Delay Utilities: Add delays to the animations.

Core Animation Classes in Tailwind CSS

2.1 Predefined Animation Classes

Tailwind comes with several built-in animations, such as:

  • animate-none: Disables animations.
  • animate-spin: Creates a spinning effect.
  • animate-ping: Generates a pulsing effect.
  • animate-pulse: Creates a subtle pulsing effect, often used for loading indicators.
  • animate-bounce: Makes the element bounce up and down.


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3. Animation Duration

The duration- utilities define the length of the animation. Tailwind provides preconfigured durations, which can also be customized.


  • duration-75: 75ms
  • duration-100: 100ms
  • duration-150: 150ms
  • duration-200: 200ms
  • duration-300: 300ms
  • duration-500: 500ms
  • duration-1000: 1000ms


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4. Animation Timing Functions

Tailwind provides ease- utilities to define the animation’s timing functions, controlling how the animation progresses over time.


  • ease-linear
  • ease-in
  • ease-out
  • ease-in-out


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5. Animation Delay

The delay- utilities allow you to postpone the start of an animation.


  • delay-75: 75ms
  • delay-100: 100ms
  • delay-150: 150ms
  • delay-200: 200ms
  • delay-300: 300ms


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6. Custom Animations in Tailwind CSS

To create custom animations, you need to configure the @keyframes and animation properties in the tailwind.config.js file

Tailwind Animation Cheatsheet

animate-spinAdds a spinning effect<div class="animate-spin"></div>
animate-pingAdds a pinging (pulse) effect<div class="animate-ping"></div>
animate-pulseAdds a pulsing effect<div class="animate-pulse"></div>
animate-bounceAdds a bouncing effect<div class="animate-bounce"></div>
duration-500Sets animation duration to 500ms<div class="duration-500"></div>
ease-in-outApplies an ease-in-out timing function<div class="ease-in-out"></div>
delay-200Delays animation by 200ms<div class="delay-200"></div>


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Tailwind CSS simplifies the process of adding animations with its utility classes. Whether you’re using predefined animations or crafting custom ones, Tailwind makes it easy to implement engaging and interactive designs. By combining utilities and customizing configurations, you can achieve unique animations tailored to your project needs. Experiment with these tools and bring your web designs to life!

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